This is a test website. Nothing is charged.
To test the user activation requirement, do nothing; the page will try to enroll a credential with no user activation after 5 seconds.
Pay $0.01 will make the following request:
new PaymentRequest([{ supportedMethods: 'secure-payment-confirmation', data: { action: 'authenticate', credentialIds: [Uint8Array.from( atob(document.getElementById('credential').value), c => c.charCodeAt(0))], networkData: textEncoder.encode('network_data'), challenge: textEncoder.encode('network_data'), timeout: 60000, fallbackUrl: '', instrument: { displayName: 'Troy ยทยทยทยท', icon: '', }, rpId: window.location.hostname, }, }], { total: { label: 'Total', amount: { currency: 'USD', value: '0.01', }, }, });